Based on fossil evidences, cockroaches are 350 million years’ oldest creature know to be present on earth, more than 45 species found in Pakistan and above 3000 species in the world.
Cockroaches produce odorous secretion on food, carrying disease producing organisms and allergens. Nocturnal in habits living indoor and outdoor, depending upon population, they can be seen during day time. They eat variety of foods and hiding in cracks and crevices in a nonsocial manner, prefer to live in aggregation.
Cockroaches have gradual metamorphosis type developmental stages: eggs, nymphs and adults. Females produce purse type capsule which contains 20 to 40 eggs depending species. Most economical cockroaches found in Pakistan are American & German cockroaches. TPL Services control cockroaches by integrated professional management.
These are most economical pest in urban areas especially residential, high rise buildings, commercial and industrial areas. Adult females produce 4 to 8 capsules in their life time, each capsule contains 24 to 30 eggs, takes 20 to 30 days to hatch depending on humidity and temperature. These cockroaches can’t survive with water. German cockroaches have best survival capabilities than those from species. TPL services experts can advise best chemical and non-chemical control procedures of German cockroaches.