The Ultimate Guide to Understand & control Bed Bugs in your homes, offices and other work places
Bed bugs are the insect pests found in every 2nd home. They are also present in hotels, schools, cars and public transport. They hide in clothes and luggage while traveling and spread everywhere. It is difficult to find them. They suck blood and results in itches and marks on the body. The spots of blood appear on the bed sheet.
How to identify bedbugs on your work place?
The body appearance of bedbugs is flat and oval shaped, short and broad head with dark brown color which looks like apple seeds. It cannot fly away and neither run. The female lays 2-4 eggs daily and 200 eggs in its complete life cycle. The young ones of bed bugs hatch from the eggs in 6 to 17 days.

Easy ways to eradicate bed bugs from your home and work places:
Bed bugs can be eradicated using home remedies such as Home traps, steam cleaning and insecticides. These methods are effective but keep in mind risk associated with these methods and try to reach out experts of TPL Pest Control services present in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
Integrated pest management (IPM) strategy to control bed bugs:
Integrated Pest Management is not just a strategy or combination of different types of pest management methods and practices. I t is a philosophy that how you will control a specific insect pest in the given place or situation. IPM helps in balancing pesticide use with other control treatments. It protects the environment and human health by reducing the amount of pesticide use.
Pest Identification:
1. Identify harmful organisms and their numbers such as Bed Bugs
2. Identify natural enemies of the specific insect pest. This can feed on these harmful insects. (No any real natural predators present for bed bugs but some Spiders, Cockroaches and ants can eat it)
3. Misidentification can result in poor pest control, eradication of beneficial insects and inappropriate or overuse of pesticides.

How IPM can help in providing long- term solution to Beg Bugs control?
More than one treatment is required to control bed bugs in your rest place. There are following IPM methods to control bed bugs:
1. Wash the covers and dry them in the sun or at 47 degrees.
2. Use vacuum on sofa mattresses and bed.
3. Use traps and barriers near the bed.
4. Inspect the bed before staying at the hotel.
5. Cover the travel luggage with a plastic bag.
6. Do not use agricultural pesticides at home.
7. Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids and Aerosols are used to control bed bugs.
8. Bed Bug Fumigation is another popular techniques used to control them.

Extraordinary benefits of using IPM tactics in Bed bug control:
1. If beneficial biological agent is present pesticides treatment is not required it helps in economic and environment friendly solution.
2. Minimizes damage to key beneficial organisms for pest control
3. Reduce pesticides resistance in insect pest,.
Are you looking for bed bug and other pest control services?
It is better to get professional experts guidance and services. TPL SERVICES provide expert advice on bed bugs control.